We are all on a journey
Before there was modern medicine, there were ancient ways of seeing humans in context with their environment. When someone was out of balance, the wise elders would gather the community together for a ceremony to help the person get back into balance with themselves, their community, and the Divine.
The ancient peoples had healing technologies in alignment with the spiritual, energetic view of the world in which there is vital life force energy interpenetrating every single thing in our world, including the rocks, the water, the wind, the sun, as well as all living beings.
These elders could perceive when the life force was stagnant, blocked, or leaking out of a person. They could perceive when there was something within or around a person that didn’t belong and was causing harm. They were in relationship with the living world and with compassionate spirit beings who helped them restore balance, harmony, and health to those who came for healing.
I have spent many years learning these ways, beginning with my bachelor's degree in cultural anthropology in the 1980s, and continuing on with spiritual studies that are practiced and taught by the modern holders of these ancient wisdom traditions.

Energy Healing Training
Association for Comprehensive Energy Psychology
2013 to present
Although I have a doctoral degree in Clinical Psychology (2006) and am licensed in the state of California, I realized pretty quickly in my therapy practice that talk was not enough. So I began exploring alternative ways to help people, such as body/brain-oriented therapies (e.g., Brainspotting, Somatic Experiencing) and energy healing methods.
I am a member of the Association for Comprehensive Energy Psychology (https://www.energypsych.org/). Their trainings are a lovely blend of western psychology, eastern healing, and indigenous wisdom traditions to bring about health and harmony to the mind, body, and energy systems.
Medical Intuition With Wendie Coulter
Medical Intuition, as taught by Wendie Coulter at The Practical Path (https://www.thepracticalpath.com/), relies on the development of intuitive skills to read the client's energy field in order to ascertain the energetic, spiritual, karmic, or past life origins of an issue and to identify possible energetic and spiritual solutions to them.**
Energy Healing
2013 to present
I have trained for many years with Michael Harner’s Foundation for Shamanic Studies (https://shamanism.org/) and have completed their Two-Week Shamanic Healing Intensive™, the Three-year Program in Advanced Initiations in Shamanism and Shamanic Healing™, as well as most of the weekend workshops they offer, some of them multiple times. Beginning in 2013, I have taken multiple workshops with Sandra Ingerman, MFT, and Hank Wessleman, PhD., two of the world’s most beloved and renowned teachers of modern shamanism today.
I began training with Betsy Bergstrom (https://www.spirit-wise.com/) in 2018 in shamanic healing methods such as Heart-Centered Compassionate Depossession, Curse Unraveling, Energy hygiene, Celtic Wisdom traditions specifically focused on Sovereignty, and the Siedr (pronounced Sithe) healing and wisdom practices of the ancient Norse peoples. I am an approved teacher of her methods and I occasionally assist her with the practical portions of her Depossession classes.
I am a Pranic Healer (https://pranichealing.com/), an energy healing method developed by Grand Master Choa Kok Sui from the Philippines and continued on by his protege here in the US, Master Stephen Co.
I have taken multiple workshops and trainings with other energy healers through the Shift Network (https://theshiftnetwork.com/) and the Association for Comprehensive Energy Psychology (1000s of hours if I count it all up) as I continue to learn, grow, and expand my energy healing skills in the most ethical way that I can.
**Medical intuition and other energy healing methods are not used to diagnose or to treat any medical condition and they are not a replacement for seeking proper medical or mental health consultation with licensed professionals. Energy healing is just one part of a well-rounded self care regimen which ideally includes consultation with licensed medical and mental health professionals, a regular exercise routine, healthy eating and sleeping habits, harmonious relationships with loved ones, a mindfulness practice, and meaningful time spent at work and play.