Below, I provide brief descriptions and links to some of my favorite researchers
into psi phenomenon (AKA parapsychology), energy healing, and the physics of consciousness.
Have fun exploring video demonstrations of the effects of vibration on physical matter,
interviews with really smart people, and information that will expand the way you
perceive yourself and the world around you!

What is The Nature of Reality?
Exploring the world of subtle energy
150+ years of research into psi phenomena
Scientists have been studying how consciousness interacts with matter and the nature of psi phenomena (the term used to refer to abilities beyond the five senses) through rigorous experimentation for more than 150 years. This large body of research has been largely ignored and often outright ridiculed by those who don't have a place for it in their materialistic worldview. Below, I offer many examples of the amazing and fun research by scientists, physicists, and other clever people exploring the nature of reality.
Seeing is believing, and I invite you to explore and enjoy the many video links included here!
We are Made of Light
Valerie Hunt, Ph.D., a scientist at UCLA studied the biofield (emanations of light and energy around living beings) and captured visual images with special cameras. She found that the biofield changes with “the physical conditions, the motivations of the person, the feeling states” of the person. In the videos she produced, you can clearly see the impact of different foods, different environments, interaction with loved ones, etc. on the human biofield (AKA auric field).
Harry Oldfield, a British scientist, invented filters to put on cameras, both film and digital, that allow the energy of a thing to show up in full color. These filters are called Polycontrast Interference Photography. Check out these videos of the human biofield, animals, people eating, ghosts, natural sites in America and England (1st video) and images of energy of sacred sites (2nd video).
Gary Schwartz, Ph.D., studied master energy healers and wrote up the results in the book, The Energy healing experiments: Science reveals our natural power to heal. He and his team measured the energy output from the hands of energy healers and saw a dramatic increase when running energy for healing. The control group had no changes. They photographed healers’ hands with supercooled camera and saw a stream of light flowing out of their hands when they had healing intention. They concluded that thoughts are generated as frequency and that healing intention is well-ordered light.
Fritz Albert Popp, Ph.D., in the mid 1970s showed that all living things emit tiny currents of photons and that light is stored in the DNA. He showed that light is the primary communication channel in living systems and likely travels through the crystalline structures of the fascia. He developed technology that could show these biophotons. He discovered that each species has a regular emission of photons and voltage but if the organism became disturbed or ill, the current went up or down. This signal contained valuable information about the state of the body’s health and the effect of a particular therapy. For example, cancer victims had fewer photons, as if their light was going out. You can see examples of Kirilian photography from UCLA which shows images of the human biofield.
Konstantin Korotkov, Ph.D., developed the next generation of Kirilian photography and created an instrument to photograph the human biofield. The Bio-Well is used to analyze human energy field and visually depict disturbance in the biofield that can then manifest in the physical body as disease. I am a certified Bio-Well practitioner.
Our Vibrating Universe
Hans Jenny, Ph.D., a Swiss scientist, researched the impact of sound on physical form. He coined the term Cymatics and since then, ongoing research has shown that different frequencies affect form at a cellular level, and this demonstrates visually what quantum physicists have been telling us: vibration underlies all form in the universe. See this website for more information.
Masaru Emoto, MD, a Japanese doctor photographed frozen water molecules. He discovered that they change shape and form depending on what vibration is directed at them. Images of water from polluted sources produce warped, gnarled looking shapes. Water that is clean and water that has been meditated over produce beautiful crystals. Different types of music produce distinct shapes, and the most beautiful crystals were formed when the words Love and Gratitude were taped to the water sample. He published several books with photos and descriptions of his work. You may view many of these photos on his website.
Bernd Kroeplin, Ph.D., continued this research into how water maintains a memory of the vibrations that surround it. He demonstrated that consciousness permeates matter and that our thoughts affect the things around us. Harmonious music and positive thoughts create a more coherent structure of the water within you. This is important given that over 98% of the molecules in our bodies are water. If you don’t have time to watch the full video, check out the first 9-10 minutes and then fast forward to 17:40.
William Bengston, Ph.D., sociologist got interested in healing after a friend of his started accidentally healing people and showing other psychic gifts. He has now developed a teachable, measurable, repeatable way to cure mammary cancer and he discusses this in his book, Energy Cure. He can do the method over water and when the mice drink the water, it cures them and prevents a recurrence of cancer.
Beverly Rubik, Ph.D., a scientist from UC Berkeley has studied the human biofield for over 40 years. Here is a short video describing the Biofield
The National Institute of Health (NIH) now includes human biofield in their glossary as a result of her research.
One of her ongoing interests is the impact of communications technology, which are frequency generating devices. She has found that our cells phone, wifi, and cell towers do have a significant impact on the native frequencies of living beings. In 2012, she conducted a pilot study to look at the effect of cell phones on the human body. What she found was that after 45 minutes of carrying a cell phone in a backpack, the red blood cells of the participants were all stuck together rather than separated nicely as they are meant to be as they move through the blood vessels. Then after another 45 minutes of cell phone use which consisted of some texting, some surfing the net, and two 5-minute phone calls, she discovered that the participants’ red blood cells had become distorted—spikey—like the cell walls were being pulled outwards by the electromagnetic field generated by the cell phone.
You can listen to a podcast with Christine Schaffner, MD, a holistic health doctor on the impact of cell phones, wifi, and cell towers on the health of living beings.
Jeromy Johnson is a Silicon-valley engineer turned technology health awareness advocate. He has gathered research from around the world suggesting that EMF radiation is most likely very harmful. He addresses the health effects of smart phones, smart meters, cell towers (e.g., insomnia/sleep disturbance, headaches, irritability, stress, ear ringing, fatigue, cognitive disturbance, etc.). See his Ted talk:
Consciousness Underlies Everything​
Dean Radin, Ph.D., the Chief science officer at the Institute of Noetic Sciences, is probably my favorite consciousness researcher. He has written many books describing the results of 40+ years of experiments into paranormal, telepathy, precognition, energy healing, and the effects of human mind on matter ( He posits that the only way to understand these findings is that Consciousness underlies and permeates all things. Here is a discussion with Marcus Aubry of his years of research
William Tiller, Ph.D., a physicist at Stanford had done 30+ years of research into the physics of consciousness ( He proposed a view of the world in which consciousness is fundamental and permeates all things, giving rise to the material world. He created Intention Imprinted Devices that can change the ph of water. The meditators focused attention on these simple electronic devices and told it to raise the ph of water. Then he put the device with a beaker of water and the ph was raised. He also demonstrated that places get entrained to certain vibrations.
This is an underlying tenant of quantum physics and is demonstrated by the famous double slit experiment in which the thoughts of the experimenter is immediately seen to impact the behavior of light as either a particle or a wave. Check out this YouTube video explaining this experiment.
Rupert Sheldrake, Ph.D., is a biologist from the UK who has written a number of fascinating books about nature, science, telepathy, precognition, remote viewing, and animal intelligence. My two favorites are the Sense of being stared at and other powers of human minds and Dogs that know when their owners are coming home and other unexplained powers of animals.
He describes what he calls Morphic resonance or the fields of information surrounding all things. Morphic resonance explains how members of a social group are interconnected such that the movement of herds of antelope, schools of fish, and flocks of birds are harmonious and graceful. His TED talk on what he calls Science Dogma—the default worldview that sees the universe as mechanistic and unconsciousness—was later banned by TED, but can be seen on YouTube.
You can hear more from him via his Navigating Consciousness podcasts
Bruce Lipton, Ph.D., is a molecular biologist who discovered the new field of science called Epigenetics, and is the author of the Biology of belief: Unleashing the power of consciousness, matter and miracles. He describes how cells and living systems communicate information and demonstrated clearly that the DNA is NOT the brain of the cell, it’s just the blueprint that cells use to copy proteins. Rather, it is the cell membranes who are the eyes, ears, and skin bringing in information from environment and reacting with either growth and repair OR with stasis, which results in breakdown. The epigenetic information around the DNA strand is like tuning mechanism, influencing which genes should express, how much, in which direction, etc. Why is this important? Because your thoughts and emotions are the environment in which your cells are living. They can be healthy, if you are positive, or unhealthy, if you are cynical, depressed, or angry. He describes how our thoughts travel outside our bodies to affect others with either “good vibes” or “bad vibes”. And most importantly, he supports the necessity of reprogramming our subconscious minds to be affirming toward health, happiness, and abundance.
Check out this conversation between Bruce Lipton, Ph.D. and Mark Hyman, MD.
Or this conversation between Rupert Sheldrake, Ph.D. and Bruce Lipton, Ph.D., on Youtube
This is a lovely short video by Bruce Lipton, Ph.D., on how to reprogram your subconscious mind
Russel Targ, Ph.D.., a physicist from Princeton University, worked with the CIA back in the 1960s on remote viewing to spy on the Soviets and to recover prisoners of war. He has written a number of fascinating books, such as The reality of ESP: A physicists proof of psychic abilities and Miracles of mind: Exploring nonlocal consciousness and spiritual healing, and Psychic exploration: Psychic research and modern physics
Check out his TED talk (that was banned by TED but can be found on YouTube) describing his years of research into remote viewing and other psychic abilities.
Gary Schwartz, Ph.D., is a Harvard-trained scientist who has conducted decades of fun research at the University of Arizona combining psychology, physics, mathematics, and the paranormal. He wrote up his research on mediums who were contacting loved ones who have died (The Afterlife experiments: Breakthrough scientific evidence of life after death). The importance of this work is to demonstrate that there is survival of consciousness, that information and the experience of people is not lost, and that their experiences can be accessed through people who act as channels of this information (i.e., psychic mediums). He has also studied the efficacy of energy healing and wrote up his findings in The energy healing experiments: Science reveals our natural power to heal. Here’s an interview with the Sir Arthur Conan Doyle institute in the UK describing his ongoing research.
The Power of Intention
Lynne McTaggart, the author of The Intention Experiment (2007), The field, and The power of eight has researched the power of intention to change the physical world. She postulates that “Intention appears to be something akin to a tuning fork, causing the tuning forks of other things in the universe to resonate at the same frequency.” She describes her own intention experiment of people’s healing intention on plants in which the plants changed before their very eyes.
Here’s a recent video discussion between Lynne McTaggart and Dr. Sue Mortor, creator of the energy healing method, the Energy Codes.
Joe Dispenza, DC. is a chiropractor and best-selling author of Breaking the habit of being yourself, You are the placebo, Evolve your brain, and Becoming supernatural. He presents compelling evidence from his worldwide workshops with 1000s of participants of miraculous healings through his meditations. He monitors people’s physiology, collects their subjective experience during the meditations (e.g., visitations by beings of light, sudden cessation of physical illnesses and conditions), and then documents before and after with medical tests that show evidence of healings.